Friday, April 24, 2015

Hillary's logo

I think that no matter what Hillary's logo was, there was going to be negative remarks. That goes for everything in life, there is always going to be someone who disagrees with what you think is good. I personally think that Hillary's logo is awesome. When we design things we want the viewer to get a quick message but also have it unique and pleasing to the eye. Her logo does all of these things. It's simple, but to the point. Some of the other logo's, they said in the article, they weren't even sure what they were. If viewers are confused by exactly what your logo is then you didn't do a good job. Yes, there are multiple opinions are Hillary's logo but I think people are reading to much into it. I simply think it is an H for her name and an arrow to say that we are moving forward and she is going to turn things around for America. I love the simplicity of the logo but the thought that was also put into making it. 

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